Notizie e aggiornamenti di St. Anthony

Pagina Facebook di Sant'Antonio: Rimani connesso!
Anche la St. Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies ha lanciato una pagina Facebook (FB).
Canale YouTube di Sant'Antonio: accesso alle risorse!
Anche la St. Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies ha lanciato un canale YouTube .
Newsletter di Sant'Antonio: Rimani aggiornato!
Presto debutterà il notiziario elettronico trimestrale della St. Anthony's Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies. Se desideri essere inserito nella mailing list della newsletter, invia una richiesta qui .
Edizione giugno 2020

St. Anthony's News and Updates
St. Anthony's Latin instructor, Dr. Leland Lannoye, discusses the benefits of learning Latin today on this episode of Exploring St. Anthony's.
Dr. Michelle Wiener, Ph.D., a St. Anthony instructor, is teaching a new course in Biblical Feminist Discourse (theology). Registration is now open. View this video to learn more about the course and how to enroll.
In February 2022, the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) granted St. Anthony’s Cathedral House of Liturgical Studies, as a religious institution, an exemption from state regulation and oversight in the Commonwealth of Virginia for a period of five years in accordance with 8 VAC 40-31-50 of the Virginia Administration Code, as long as it provides religious training and theological education.
At its 2021 annual meeting, St. Anthony's Board of Directors approved a tiered tuition for full credit (those worth three credits) academic and continuing education courses. To see the new tuition tiers, visit the registration page.